Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Castle countdown

It's September. The leaves begin to turn, the air turns crisp and chill. What could be better?

Perhaps a little murder?

Uh, no. I don't plan on killing anyone. Murder is bad. B.A.D.

Rick Castle seems to think so too, that's why he's coming back September 20, with his brand new fall season!!

I LOVE Castle!!
...Granted some of the episode scare me to death... but that's besides the point. 

I'm hoping to see a little bit more romance between Beckett and Castle this season, and I've heard Esposito might be getting a crush too.  *Grin*

So what do I plan on doing until the Castle premier? I am going to eat one Snicker's bar (or one Oreo, I haven't decided which) until that fateful night. And then I think I'll watch the premier with my boyfriends, Ben and Jerry.

It's gonna be sweet.


  1. Haha! Yay, murder!
    No, no, no, Yay Castle! I'm so excited. :)

    I love your boyfriends.

  2. Shelby, you are such a Laub! Oreo's are SO dangerous, you can't eat JUST one a day! Good Luck with that.

  3. Believe me, *Licking Oreo slowly* I'm struggling.
