Wednesday, September 15, 2010


The sound of a new book opening and hearing the soft crack as the paper stretches in the binding is one of the best sounds in the world.
The other sound? 
Baby cradles. The soft clicking sound they make is one that brings back memories and contentment.

Wet rocks. They smell delicious and are fun to lick. Especially volcanic ones.
The dusty smell of the heater being turned on for the first time promises snowy nights and cozy socks.

Eyes. Laughing eyes, bright eyes, big eyes, soft eyes. The most beautiful part of a person are those deep windows to the soul.

Wind. Energy whipping past and blowing hair with the rushing feeling of being free.

Intelligence. The lighting of a fire, not the filling of a bucket. Gives one confidence and purpose. Dexterity to life.

Friends. Make you laugh, make you cry. Always there when you need them.

Words. Big words, little words. Words create stories and stories create feeling. Words as simple as "Et tu, Brute?"  can make you cry.  Words are powerful.

Movie nights
Warm cookies
Cool ice cream
Child's hug
Boy's smile
Fall leaves
Long walks
Good food
Red rocks
Swing sets
Glassy pools
City lights
Tall trees
Long shadows
Popsicle sticks
Dog's paws
Night life

Just some... of my favorite things.


  1. Ummm... you forgot to mention me!! Maybe add to your list: Cool Aunts! That way Lisa won't feel bad either. :D Love it!!

  2. *Cough* And Emilie who has a cool batman shirt!!

  3. Awww! That's so awesome, I love it!!
