Thursday, December 16, 2010


In which I procrastinate, no one is harmed, but everyone is seriously frightened.

I'm trying to think of a first chapter in an original novel which is due today.
..It's not working.

So my second defense is procrastination! (Guaranteed to not be full proof)
Did you know they have  a Russian Sherlock Holmes? Yes, it's in a different language, no I do not understand what they are saying and it scares me to death when they are chattering away and then Holmes bursts into hysterical laughter.
But it's Russian!

Instead of posting the video on here, (I didn't even watch all of it.)  I will give you my interpretation of what a Russian Sherlock Holmes would be like.

1. They would all speak in really bad accents. "Vatson, do ve havve a caaase todaay?"
2. Really, really bad accents.   "No, Hooolmes. But ve do havve a murrrderr."
...Maybe I'll quit while I'm ahead. Holmes sounds like the Godfather.

"Vatson! De case has beeen solved! Dis girl suffers from meeental problmes. Da, very bad. Ve vill leave her now."

*Sigh* Back to writing.

Great. Now all I hear is dis liiitle voice...

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! RUSSIAN! I want to watch the video now... That's awesome.

    Good luck Watson!!
